Great test run:

so I guess yesterday ended up being a good test run of things. To start my day and trip off my video camera flew off my helmet and is lost in the concrete jungle. Everything was going really well till I decided to venture off road on some gravel quarry roses about 30 miles north of my destination yesterday. While turning a corner the back end felt really loose and sloppy, but no way I replaced all the linkage bushings and it wasn’t a flat tire for sure. I continued to ride on and it got worse and almost I rideable, I stopped to get some gas and came out to check things over and oil was everywhere to the rear of my bike. So I tucked my tail and ride slowly back home to see about ordering a shock.. Good news though christy from Iowa has a 5k mile shock that is in great shape and its on its way here.  

I hope to be back on the road early next week for chapter 2 of leaving for the TAT!!  


Before the shock blew, somewhere outside of Ohio county, Ky.

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