800 + miles in 3 days:

So I went ahead and did anothe 90 miles of tomorrow’s route, so I could justify getting a cheap, I mean real cheap hotel in Bebee , Arkansas.. Today was really tiring and super hot.. I can’t seem to hydrate enough!!! Any suggestion please help. Plus having the room will allow me to address some raw concerns.. Mainly my but!! Off to eat Waffle House and buy some Monkey Butt powder.. Laterimage image

6 thoughts on “800 + miles in 3 days:

  1. Put Chia seeds in your pre ride water , not a great texture (kind of slimy ) but it helps. Look it up.

    Cheers on your ride


  2. Try some cold G2 from the convenience store. We usually try to drink a quart at each gas stop along with water. The electrolytes will keep you from getting fatigued.


  3. put a bit of salt in your water bottle each time. (hardcore busting ass in a hot kitchen/ backcountry camping tip)


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